
National Innovators Initiative

Young Fellows

Innovator-In-Residence Program

A 12-Month Fellowship & Super Career Accelerator
for Philippines's most promising student leaders


New products, services, models, campaigns, etc. that speak to who you are and what you care about. Learn the supreme force of innovation by doing it.


Rigorous, regular practice and application of the World Economic Forum's 6 most critical skills to lead hi-impact change in business and society.


Earn credentials according to practical skills challenges and real-world innovation outputs you complete. Gain access to corporate, startup and investor partners.


to live your deepest truth and so fulfil your highest potential and greatest promise - for lifelong joy, meaning, success and impact.

Top 8 Program Highlights

Each Fellow will methodically grow their 5 Tiers of Virtuous Capital, thereby enabling Peak Performance in 3-month cycles and emerging from the 12-month Fellowship as the highest performing young talent ready to enter the workplace.

12-Month Runway
The Fellowship is designed to fit even the busiest academic and extra-curricular loads - by giving each Fellow plenty of flexibility to complete program requirements on their own time and pace.

Weekly Community of Practice via Zoom
Fellows gather once a week via Zoom to learn with each other, tackle real-world problems and apply key lessons to live case studies they are working on. Fellows have 12 months to attend at least 12 of these weekly Zooms in order to complete program requirements.

Step-by-Step Guided App
Fellows complete requirements on their own time and pace via the YF-IIR 5VC app, which guides each Fellow step-by-step as they launch their own innovations, master the Superpower-6 and nurture their GPS personal navigation system for how to live a life of joy, meaning and impact.

Credentials & Distinctions
Fellows earn unique credentials, badges and distinctions based on their actual work. Thus, their bios will include a track record of hi-impact innovation, thought leadership and published materials, TED-type speaking engagements and a digital presence that will make their CVs a clear cut above the rest.

Full Scholarship for Student Leaders
Supported by Ignite House of Innovation and our network of leading business, investor and public sector leaders -- we will ensure that Manila's most promising student leaders will be part of our 12-Month Fellowship, regardless of financial status.

Change the World, Inclusively
The gap between rich and poor is first of all a gap in empathy and connection. In YF, Fellows & Scholars from rich and poor backgrounds work collaboratively to launch and support each other's hi-impact innovations, while expanding cross-sector empathy and networks critical to making lasting change happen.

Media & Storytelling
Fellows engage in guided journal entries that catalogue their journey of thought leadership, personal growth and impact. They create a track record of speaking engagements and hi-impact digital presence, while mastering how to tell their own story.
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We are now accepting reservations
for the next YF-IIR cohort

Slots limited, first come, first served.

    Welcome to YF-IIR Reservation Form.

    To reserve your spot, please complete the form below.

    Full Scholarships are available for

    qualified student leaders only.

    Take the 90-second test

    Watch the full video

    A National Innovators Initiative to power 100,000 Citizen Innovators

    Brought to you by

    Blue Nest - rev 2023 (1)
    Blue Nest - rev 2023 (1)

    The Ni2 Young Fellows Innovator-In-Residence Program (YF-IIR) extends the National Innovators Initiative (to power 100,000 citizen innovators) into the most critical juncture of Filipino society: our next generation of leaders as they go through their most formative college years and onto the real world and careers.

    The YF-IIR program engages high-potential student leaders in year-long fellowships focused on launching hi-impact innovations and mastering (by weekly practice and application to live case studies) the World Economic Forum’s 6 most critical skills needed for shaping change and impact in the future of work.

    The core foundation of the 52-week Fellowship is to nurture Young Fellows in their lifelong capacity for self awareness and personal growth - to keep rising to their highest levels of vision and impact, including entry into the career of their choosing and/or starting hi-impact ventures, while rooting them to stay true to their deepest truths (who they are and values they stand for, their authentic gifts, what they genuinely care about, etc) as unique individuals.

    Our mission is to graduate Fellows who will live their deepest truths and so fulfill their highest potential - for lifelong joy, meaning, success and impact. We fully expect that our Young Fellows will change the future of our country.



    To power 100,000 Filipino Innovators by 2023



    The Empathy Project 101

    TEP is The Empathy Project, a 60-minute conversation between 2 people guided by digital flashcards served up by the TEP app.

    Reasons Why We Need It


    The Empathy Project practices us in the art and science of walking in the shoes of another, understanding and connecting with them, not just from the narrow view of a transactional customer, but from the far more expansive view of a whole human being: what are their pains, needs, wants, desires, aspirations, as well as doubts and fears?


    This more expansive view based on Empathy is the foundation of all good solutions (not to mention all good relationships) and gives you a deeper well of insight from which to draw up out-of-the-box innovations.


    Beyond Empathy, TEP also nurtures your sense of Compassion – not just knowing how the pain of others, but wanting to do your part in healing that pain. Compassion, in turn, increases your commitment and grit to solve the problem – because you care.

    How It Works

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    Launchpad is an app that guides us step-by-step through 12 hurdles as we launch customer-centric, market-driven innovations fast, lean and agile. These innovations can be new products, services, solutions, projects, systems, processes, workflows, models, campaigns – anything that makes life better for someone else.


    Reasons Why We Need It


    Launchpad practices us in the elusive art and science of human-centered design thinking and agile sprints that everyone preaches about but very few people know how to apply in practice.


    Launchpad helps us birth new solutions, from nothing to an idea to rapid prototypes and iterations, all the way to minimum viable products.

    How It Works

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    Reasons Why We Need It

    Learning 4.0 operationalized at scale!. Learn based on live business cases across a diversity of people, teams, industries, markets and a variety of challenges and solutions involved.
    Launchpad helps us birth new solutions, from nothing to an idea to rapid prototypes and iterations, all the way to minimum viable products.

    How It Works

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    SUPERPOWER-6 101


    Reasons Why We Need It


    Learning 4.0 operationalized at scale!. Learn based on live business cases across a diversity of people, teams, industries, markets and a variety of challenges and solutions involved.


    Practice them like Lebron James – that’s the only thing that matters is the frequency of reps.


    Self-awareness to know what I do well, how I practice and apply in various scenarios and where I need to put extra effort to get better. This is an O/S for lifelong Skills & Growth, with direct impact on Work & Income upward mobility.

    How It Works

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    Reasons Why We Need It


    It’s not what you know, it’s who you know – but how do you methodically on a daily basis expand the network of who you know? MP does this for you 24/7/365 – even while you’re sleeping. Data and algo to give you smart recoms (ala Amazon) on people you should meet, jobs and gigs you should look into, collaborations and partnerships you should explore, etc.


    Practice them like Lebron James – that’s the only thing that matters is the frequency of reps.


    Self-awareness to know what I do well, how I practice and apply in various scenarios and where I need to put extra effort to get better. This is an O/S for lifelong Skills & Growth, with direct impact on Work & Income upward mobility.

    How It Works

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    GPS 101


    Reasons Why We Need It


    Joy, meaning, fulfillment


    Live our deepest truth and so fulfill our highest potential and greatest promise – not just for success, but for joy, meaning, and impact.


    Personal navigation for life. When the road is dark and rough and you want to give up, GPS will keep you going where you really want to go.

    How It Works

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    PEAK/X 101


    Reason Why We Need It

    The peak of every human experience arises from personal truths drawn from these experiences. These deep truths do not remain in the experience. They come alive in everything else that we do, unleashing each of us to navigate around life’s challenges, to keep finding our ways forward – be it towards peak performance, peak leadership and transformation, or peak wellness.

    How It Works

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    A 100K Accelerator Initiative



    100,000 Filipino Innovators by 2023

    Brought to you by 

    in partnership with

    Department of
    Science and Technology


    Department of Information & Communications Technology

    Play Video

    A song, a campaign, a movement
    that celebrates the spirit of the Filipino
    - and the Innovator Spirit in the Filipino.
    Iba ang tatag. Iba dumiskarte.
    Iba mag-alaga. Iba ka talaga, Pinoy.

    Created by our friends in Condura
    and Concepcion Industrial Corporation.

    Brought to you by

    Uniquely at the nexus of corporate, innovation,
    venture capital, and igniting all we touch
    to their greatest growth and impact.

    You've never met anyone like us.

    A really simple and easy test, requires only that you be honest, most of all with yourself (or if you're a parent, with your children).

    Watch this 60-second video, Here's To The Crazy Ones, from Apple. If it resonates with you and makes something deep inside you nod in agreement because this is what you want for yourself (or for your children), then congratulations - you are one of us and we will welcome you as an Ni2 Fellow.

    Open nationwide to all PH-based 18-24 year olds, PH1000 is a full-scholarship career accelerator that runs in 100-day cycles as part of the Guild100 Supercourse.

    PH1000 does not look at grades, courses, schools or socio-economic background. PH1000 is 100% merit based - we want to shatter glass ceilings and give every Filipino equal opportunity to fulfill our highest potential and greatest promise.

    In lieu of so much outdated and biased measures of career success (and recruiting), we look at participants' actual performance vs measures of innovation, agility, creative problem-solving, grit and resilience, self-awareness, and capacity to learn and grow fast - all the critical skills that are so badly needed yet so badly lacking in today’s workforce.

    All these measures are integrated as activities, exercises and challenges in our Guild100 Career & OJT Accelerator, which includes access to regional and national innovation challenges.